Today I take a journey ahead of our beaten path.
Matt 7:24-27 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."
The Lord has called me to a ministry which prays for those who have been deceived by Joseph Smith in the LDS cult and the Christians who have been called to witness the true gospel in Utah, the heart of their orgnaization.
Steve and I watched End of the Spear recently - a documentary movie with a marvelously directed Christian message of perseverance and hope. My title is no doubt grossly misspelled and may not even be what I heard, but the translation of my foreign greeting is "I am a friend, a sincere friend."
When Nate Saint, Jim Elliot and their dear friends were murdered by savages, how easy it would have been for their wives to bundle up their children and run like the dickens.
I asked myself over and over, would I have stayed? Could I have stayed? Do I have the fortitude to go face to face with the enemy who would kill my husband and show him love and mercy?
The answer is a resounding NO.
I don't, but Christ does. What we saw in those women and children was not their own strength or courage or perseverance. We saw the very light of Christ within them, the Holy Spirit at work. The powerful message comes right out of Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
When it comes right down to it, none of us have courage, strength, power, perseverance - even desire - for the work of God. There are people in the world who are adrenaline junkies that will do all sorts of crazy things for the rush of it. But reaching out to a violent nation is not a joy-ride no matter how much the adrenaline pumps.
Are you a friend in a hostile land where you're not welcome? Do you feel Bi bui Oonunga?
Chip Thompson and his students don't confront Mormonism on a daily basis by any wisdom or force of their own, it is only by the grace of God they do what they do. Consider: the college house itself was delivered right into their hands despite opposition from the LDS and all efforts to prevent them from purchasing the property. The testimony of the faith of these sweet Christians deep in the heart of Utah is truly amazing. In every instance of need, God has provided in ways only He can. And God is given all the glory as they continue to fight the good fight.
I use Chip's ministry as an example because I'm very familiar with it but I know this happens in many of the ministries we pray for, we just don't always get to hear the rest of the story. I think that's how God keeps us humble, that we not take any credit for His glory.
As we draw near to the time of going to the border to pray for all the pastors, leaders and ministries in Utah, I go through the same mental gymnastics of questions every year. "Lord, is this what you really want me to do? Does it really do any good for a few of us to drive five hours through the mountains to pray in the middle of nowhere? This is pointless. Why do I bother? I can't get anyone motivated; no one believes in our cause, no one cares whether those Mormons come to Christ or not."
I do question myself, my motives, my position, and my authority. Does that mean we shouldn't face the enemy and pour out the love of Christ? I never question God's authority or ability to carry out His plans, even using a cracked pot like me.
Elizabeth Elliot and the other wives of the missionaries in Ecuador didn't take an army of saints to meet with the Waodani people. They went just as they were with their children beside them. What drove them? The power of the Holy Spirit.
Each year as this time draws near, the only thing that takes me through those mountains, often in the worst kind of weather, is the power of the Holy Spirit. It's not by my choice or desire, but by the power of God Himself.
We do not go alone. Though not many physically go to the borders to stand and pray for two hours, the few that do are fierce warriors for the cause of Christ. Our brothers in Idaho, Pastor Ron Heath and Jerry Holt show up each year with their sons. Our friend Pastor Pete Wells gathers who he's able in Nevada. We are grateful for these bold men of faith who are willing to go out on a limb for the sake of the deceived and those who take the gospel into Utah.
We are equally grateful for those who gather in churches like the Ephraim Church of the Bible, our friends in New Mexico and those in Arizona and Wyoming.
And the Lord blesses hundreds who are praying from homes around the nation and even around the world. I was reflecting on the vision I'd had in 2003 of Christians surrounding the state of Utah in prayer. Is it really possible? Could we connect Christians hand to hand at the borders of Utah surrounding the state in prayer? Could prayer lift up the saints in the fields and bring the LDS machine to a halt? Impossible? For us, yes. For God, no way!
The foundation of Mormonism is built on deceit, a house built on sand. With every prayer for the salvation of a loved one or a saint who shares the gospel with them, another grain of sand shifts beneath the house, another brick shakes loose.
People, we're surrounding Utah in prayer. It's happening. We may not be standing hand to hand, but we are standing together and that state is completely surrounded by the love of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit. We stand heart to heart, a stronger bond than flesh! Do no grow weary in doing good. For God has called you for just such a time as this. Nothing happens in our timing or we would fail. Everything with kingdom purpose happens according to God's timetable which is perfect. Don't be defeated by thinking Mormon authority will never fall. By the will of God, all things are possible.
Rejoice my friends! Lift up your hands in praise. And as you lift your hands this Saturday morning, feel the hands of the angels filling the gaps, connecting us all as one, united for the cause of Christ. He is with us. We do not stand alone. We stand together on the Rock.
Bi bui oonunga. See you at the border.
Heavenly Father, O sovereign God of the universe and all creation, holy is Your name. You alone are worthy of all glory, honor and praise. We come to You now, humbled in Your presence, confessing our sinful nature, accepting the atoning death of Christ to cleanse us. We thank You Lord, for all the answers to prayer in the last year, whether we heard yes or no, in joy or trial. Your timing is perfect, Your ways without fault. Now we turn to You to ask a powerful prompting of the Holy Spirit to the hearts of the saints around the world that they would run to the borders and stand together for those who are decieved, those who do not know they follow one whose house is built on sand. Grant power to Christians to stand in the gap for those who can't. Show them mercy O Lord, hear our prayers. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.