Friday, June 3, 2011

At the Feet of Jesus

This morning's readings were from Ruth chapters 2 & 3, Psalm 93, Mark 9:1-13, and 1 Corinthians 15:29-58.

Ruth, a widow and daughter-in-law to Naomi who is also a widow, has left her home in Moab to travel with her mother-in-law returning to Naomi's homeland after the death of the womens' husbands. Ruth is a hard-working, loyal, humble woman who cares deeply for Naomi.

Boaz, a near relative of Naomi's, allows Ruth to glean in his fields and even tells his harvesters to intentionally drop some of the choice sheaves for Ruth to gather. Ruth then sleeps at Boaz' feet on the threshing floor as an act of submission which Boaz honors with integrity.

Ruth displays a selfless, sacrificial demonstration of daily giving up our own desires to pursue the kingdom of heaven. This gentile goes with Naomi in an act of love, even though Naomi offers her release. Jesus gives us the choice to follow Him or not.

Ruth asks permission of Naomi before proceeding with her desire to seek another mate from her deceased husband's family, demonstrating submission to authority, knowing Naomi will know what's best. Likewise, submitting to God is to our benefit for He knows what's best for us.

Ruth takes only the scraps and is later honored with the best sheaves to take home. When we humble ourselves in gratitude for the even the barest essentials, God blesses us with abundance.

Ruth puts herself in a humble position at the feet of Boaz, completely trusting in His integrity and submitting to His sovereign will. God calls us to trust Him even when what He calls us to do doesn't seem to make sense at the time.

Boaz sees Ruth's selflessness and blesses her. God sees our service which He rewards with eternal life in His heavenly kingdom.

Psalm 93 speaks to God's majesty and holiness. Boaz is a wealthy man but he is a righteous, godly man.

Mark highlights God's glory and future promises fulfilled. Boaz demonstrates God's glory in His kindness, and offers Ruth hope and a future.

Paul in his speech to the Corinthians speaks of the resurrection, staying in the presence of good people and the importance of believing God at His word even when it seems outlandish. By sticking with Naomi, Ruth had an opportunity for a new life in a good place with good people. Boaz tells her who to stick with, and assures her He will make sure she is well provided for. How uncomfortable it must have been for her to uncover a strange man's feet and lay down by them. But He cherished her humility and rewarded her accordingly.

The God of the universe, Creator of everything, whose glory we cannot even imagine, more brilliant and beautiful than the greatest diamonds on earth, more powerful than a tidal wave, more magnificant than the seven wonders of the world, cares for us - even the least of the gentiles!

God in His sovereignty knows best. He provides above and beyond all that we need. There is nothing on earth we can put our trust in that will never let us down. Only God can be fully trusted.

When we submit to His authority and seek His wisdom, when we stick with the righteous and steer away from evil-doers, when we confess our sins and proclaim Jesus is Lord and Savior, when we are faithful to serve without complaint, our Father in heaven rejoices, His glory shines, and His reward is eternal.

We are always welcome at the Lord's feet.