Monday, October 10, 2011
Samuel was king but some of the people didn't like that. Grumbling, they went off trying to make an alliance against Samuel with the Ammonites. The Ammonites were more than willing - if only the Israeli traitors would allow the Ammonites to gouge out all of their right eyes and make them slaves. Hey great deal, yeah? Sign me up! So the pack leaders of these rabble-rousers got a little nervous saying, hold up there for a minute while we go see if we can get some back up from these same people we turned our backs on to see if they'll protect us. If they'll fight for us, we're not taking the deal. Otherwise, we'll do whatever you ask (because we don't really have a choice now do we?)
I don't know about you, but I think these people were stupider than the Three Stooges.
The good news for them was when they went looking for help, they got it. Before Saul became paranoid and insanely jealous later in life, he was nothing if not persuasive, a great leader and courageous warrior. All Israel fought a mighty battle and defeated the Ammonites hands down.
Then the trouble-makers wanted Saul for a king. Their wish was granted. In verses 12-15 Samuel warned them severely, "...when the Ammonites came against you, you said to me, 'No, but a king shall reign over us,' when the LORD your God was your King. Now therefore, here is the king you have chosen , whom you have desired. Take note, the LORD has set a king over you. If you fear the LORD and serve Him and obey his voice, and do not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then both you and the king who reigns over you will continue following the LORD your God. However, if you do not obey the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then the hand of the LORD will be against you, as against your fathers.
I used to think the Old Testament was irrelevant to the world we live in today. After all, what do our technologically advanced societies have in common with early life on planet earth when every single thing had to be manually done? Even the most primitive communities in the world today have been invaded by technology. But that's not the focus of our topic today.
There's always been a battle between good and evil. Disobedience. Defiance. Opposition. Sometimes it's pretty hard to tell who's on whose side. But since the day Eve took the first bite and handed the forbidden fruit to Adam, they made Satan their king. They chose to listen to his alluring voice over the LORD's Holy voice.
In this country we elect a new president every four years. He's our "king." Things really haven't changed much in the last few thousand years. You see, technology or no, to think any man or woman can save us is ridiculous and deadly. It is in fact sinful. We've failed ourselves. We've sinned. We need to repent!
2 Chron. 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Is it happening anywhere in the world? It is. But not enough, and not all at once. You'd think with all this technology we could rally the masses around the world to get on board with a plan of action and make a change. Why the heck not? Sin. Laziness. Sloth. Ignorance. Defiance. Opposition.
Thankfully, God's ways are not our ways. God is not a temporal being. God being Omnipresent by nature is not bound by time and space as we are. For instance, if there's a unified prayer meeting in Denver, Colorado at 8:30 PM on a Tuesday evening while it's 7:30 AM in the East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, India, in God's realm there is no eleven hour gap in time. When our family in Christ pray with us in one accord, whether on the same day/time in the same room together, or at different times across the globe, God hears and receives our unified prayers as a sweet aroma. Our faithfulness in prayer and action cause His blessings to flow.
Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Let's pray.
O LORD, LORD our God most high and lifted up! We worship You, we adore You, we fall to our knees before You in humble submission. We confess Father that we have fallen so far from you, that we have turned to men for leadership, made them kings. Whether pastors or church leaders, or presidents or kings. You O LORD are King of Kings, our only King, ruler of all men and things in heaven and earth. Forgive us our sins and cleanse our hearts Jesus. Thank You for bearing our sins on the cross at Calvary. Grant us strength to keep our eyes lifted to You, keep our minds clear to call up Your word whenever needed, let us remember to take our stand against the devil's schemes, having first donned the armor You've graciously provided (Eph. 6:10-20.) Teach us Your ways LORD for Your path is straight and safe. Guide us in Your paths of righteousness for Your names sake. Take away our idols when we can't let go. Would we be obedient to Your every prompt of the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness.
Opened my eyes, let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me
King of all days
oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor
Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
All together worthy,
All together wonderful to me
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
Friday, September 9, 2011
It is not eloquent but written by one who recognized the sovereignty of God and HIS holiness.
Vs. 3, HE is holy.
Vs. 5, HE is holy.
Vs. 9, the LORD our GOD is holy.
Briefly and succinctly, the psalmist points to GOD's presence with HIS people no matter what. They did not go undisciplined for their foolishness and blatant sinfulness. But HE is GOD-WHO-FORGIVES.
My notes are always related to my own life because I can't speak for anyone else. You will apply GOD's word to your life as HE speaks to you. Please bear with me as I share my heart in order that GOD be glorified by my testimony.
I was unholy. Raised in a very dysfunctional family ruled by an abusive tyrannical father, without any sort of religion. After my parents divorce, I did pretty much as I pleased because my mother worked full-time and I was a "latch-key kid" coming home to an empty house. I left home at the age of fifteen and traveled. In my early adult life and into my thirties, I used to think how lucky I was that I hadn't died. I was raped twice, beaten near death by a drug-addict boyfriend, hitch-hiked across country, and generally lived compulsively and dangerously.
But along that path of utter and literal ungodliness, I encountered Jesus a few times.
At age six while my parents were going through an ugly divorce when I stayed with my paternal grandmother for a time, Jesus touched me through a stained glass window at her Baptist church; children working string and gravel art; the song "Jesus Loves Me." I longed for HIS love and security though I did not understand.
At age seven an elderly lady down the street invited my sister and I to go to the Methodist church with her.
At age ten I often attended church with my best friend's family and ultimately was baptized in the Episcopalian church (without any understanding of what it meant - I just wanted what her family had.)
Many times in my youth while watching movies about priests, nuns, and monks I was desperate for the kind of peace and holiness the characters portrayed.
At age nineteen I became engaged to and married a Catholic boy and was baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic. In ten years of attending the Catholic Church, I did not have a relationship with Jesus but desperately wanted to.
After my divorce and having been ex-communicated, I wandered without faith and filled with bitterness and pride. In my mid thirties, a coworker witnessed the gospel to me and I shrugged it off, "that's fine for you but not for me."
At age thirty-nine I encountered Jesus in a very real way in my soul. I had finally let down my guard and heard HIS call. In November of 1994 I heeded that call and committed my life to follow HIM during worship in a Baptist church.
Today I know, luck had nothing to do with me surviving so many near-death encounters. GOD's purposes for my life, from the moment I was born, gave me the resilience to survive and thrive.
What I desired with all my heart for all those years was HIS holiness because HIS hand was upon me. I want to be like HIM because I was created by HIM, for HIM, in HIM for HIS purposes.
But I am not like HIM. I am a sinner, struggling to stay afloat in this world of terrorists, religious indifference, apathy, perversion and hopelessness. How often do I ask the LORD, how long? Why? What's the point? HE even suffers my questions. I imagine HIM at the right of GOD the FATHER smiling at my weakness, saying, "you will know. Be patient. Just obey; go."
I now worship in an Evangelical Presbyterian church. Just for the record, I hate the word denomination. It implies division, exactly what the enemy wants for GOD's people. Nor do I agree with any of them fully. GOD's word admonishes us to have fellowship with one another, not force our theories and interpretations on one another. I stand on the WORD of GOD alone. I will say to you it does not matter where or how you worship GOD. What matters is that you have a relationship with our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS, and that you follow HIM according to HIS word. My faith is in JESUS, not a church. I merely fellowship with a body of believers who are all sinners just like you and me.
HE is holy. HE is holy. The LORD our GOD is holy.
Each day, in my study of HIS word, in my meditation, in my prayers, I draw closer. HIS holy blood cloaks my sin. HIS holiness envelopes my soul and heals my wounds. HIS holiness gives me the strength to carry on one more day. HIS holiness gives me the kind and nurturing words to say to my hurting foster children who so desperately need HIS love. HIS holiness binds my husband and me and seals our marriage with promise. HIS holiness inspires me to give HIS love to mankind. HIS holiness guarantees my entrance to HIS kingdom for all eternity. HE is our holiness.
Let's praise GOD together, for HE is holy.
Holy, Holy, Holy GOD,
All creation bows before YOU.
We worship YOU, we adore YOU.
Holy are YOU GOD.
There is none like YOU.
YOU alone are worthy of all praise, honor and glory.
Holy are YOUR names.
By YOUR love, by YOUR blood, by YOUR holy promise,
We are YOURS.
Blessed is HE who comes in the name of the LORD;
Hosanna in the highest.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"Here am I Lord, send me." Isaiah 6:8
"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." Galatians 2:20
"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared for us in advance that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
Can you wrap your mind around this? We were created by God, for the purpose of doing good works, by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus. We are not our own. We have no dominion over our mind or body. Resistance, as the Star Trek Borg are so fond of saying, is futile.
We say to ourselves, "But I don't resist! I want to do the will of God! I want to serve Him with my whole heart, mind, soul and body."
But do we? Paul succinctly reminds us, I do not do what I ought, and I do what I know I should not.
One day as I was heading into a grocery store in a rush I noticed a man at one entrance sitting on the ground. He wore dirty clothes, his face was covered by a scraggly beard, and his hair was long and disheveled. I immediately judged him. "filthy beggar," I thought to myself, "he's probably a drug addict waiting for his dealer to deliver drugs." Inside me, I heard a distinctly familiar voice saying, "who are you to judge?"
Ignoring the voice of the Spirit, I turned away from the nearest entrance where the man was and entered on the other side of the building. I'd forgotten all about him by the time I finished my shopping and exited through the doors where my "beggar" was still posted. As soon as I realized my error, I pushed my cart quickly out into the dark rainy night without giving him so much as a glance. I filled my trunk with lots of food and treats and whatever else I wasted my money on (feeling just a wee bit guilty but surely justified - after all, I was a firm believer in the quote, "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry.")
As I got in behind the wheel and started to insert my key in the ignition, that voice whispered softly to me again. "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto Me."
The guilt now felt more like sadness.
I inserted the key. "Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brothers, that you do unto Me."
I turned over the ignition. "Anne, whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto Me."
Shutting the car off, I reached for my wallet replying (rather annoyed,) "I get it, I get it." I took all the cash I had from my wallet and walked nervously back to the scruffy little man still believing he was waiting for a drug dealer. As I approached him, he looked up at me with beautiful clear blue eyes that sparkled in the refraction of light from inside the store window. His smile was broad and filled with joy.
"Are you waiting for someone?" I asked rather stiffly.
"Yes!" he exclaimed turning his body toward me and presenting a bucket I hadn't earlier noticed. "I'm waiting for Him!" he said joyfully. On the bucket was a picture of Jesus. Underneath was written, "Feed the Hungry."
I put all my money in the slot in the top of his bucket and said quietly and utterly ashamed, "God bless you."
In my reading of 2Corinthians 4 this morning, I was reminded, I am not my own. My life is meant to be a sacrifice for the salvation of others as Jesus gave His life for me. Though the struggles and pains of human shell seem difficult, even unbearable at times, our time here is fleeting in God's perspective, no more than pinpricks in the fabric of eternity.
What troubles you today? Can you stand with Jesus and say, yes Lord, You bore my sins now I welcome my own cross for Your sake?
Father in heaven, how we long to be there with You, home at last. But today Lord, we say yes to whatever you have in store, be it joy or sorrow. We count it a privilege to suffer for the sake of the gospel to glorify Your Name. Thank You Jesus for choosing me. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
"I took my love and I took it down, I climbed a mountain and I turned around,
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills, but a landslide brought me down."
Stevie Nicks, Landslide
I began my year devouring God's Word daily, gorging myself and never wanting to stop. I was gluttonous, didn't want to break the reverie of worshiping God to deal with life's mundane interruptions and inconveniences.

I took His love, and I took it down. I climbed the mountain alone and saw I'd left Him behind so I turned around. I could see my reflection in the snow covered hills, like the purity of my Savior whom I so longed to emulate. And the landslide of my own deficiency brought me down, safely into His arms.
My sister died and I didn't have answers. Now my brother has been diagnosed with an incurable (but not untreatable) disease that he's not having treated, and my other sister is mentally deranged and physically failing. I'm so confused and angry.
I suppose it's not really God I'm angry at but life itself. What's the point? I keep asking. If all we do is arrive on earth to spend 50 or 100 years struggling and suffering, with a few brief interludes of joy, just what is the point?
As all these things were happening and I was overwhelmed with grief and apathy, I turned away from the Word when I should have been running it to it every day. I have been adrift for some time now.
My dear friends around the globe, may I say to you it doesn't matter what your circumstances are in your little corner of this planet. If you have nothing more than daily rice to eat and are blessed to sleep under a thatched roof, then praise the Lord and stand on His Word. If you toil in the fields and are beaten by merciless masters, praise God and stand on His Word. If you live in a mansion with many servants but feel utterly unfulfilled, praise with the Holy Spirit and stand on His Word. For by His Word we are nourished in the Spirit, by His Word we are protected, by His word we are promised a place in His glorious Kingdom and a share of His inheritance, a place where material things will have no value and Love for God is our sole desire. And we shall walk forever with Jesus.
Today, I obeyed the call of Jesus to return to my Bible and nibble quietly, savoring every little morsel of His Word. I read Mark 11:1-11 and then just sat there with nothing. Speak to me God! I need to hear You! What does this mean for me?
Jesus' followers heard and obeyed. They brought the colt, dressed it with their own clothes, laid a "carpet" before Him and honored Him as a new King. Jesus is telling me, "don't ask, just obey."
Today, I choose to walk with Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
With all my love,
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Image of God
After defeating the Israelites, the Philistines foolishly tried to keep the Ark of God. Thousands died in their cities as a result. They finally returned the Ark to Israel but God's people were still relying on themselves rather than trusting in God. They cried out to God asked for a king. Samuel sensed this would be a big mistake but sought God's wisdom.
Here's the part I found most interesting. When Samuel asked God about giving the people a king God said, "heed their voice and make them a king." He gave Samuel a picture of what the people would deal with having a king and Samuel told Israel. But they still wanted their way.
The Lord doesn't make evil happen, nor does he plan for it. We have a choice - listen and obey or do things our own way. Let's take a little hike through history and see how that's worked out for us.
God created the world and everything in it. He gave mankind all that he could ever want and more. At the center of it all was a delightful tree with beautiful fruit that appeared to be delicious. And God said, "...but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil do not eat for you shall surely die."
We had to do it our way. We ate, now we die.
God told Israel to go into the promised land and kill all the people and take no plunder. Yet on many occasions they kept all the virgins and valuable assets. For their greed, over time, they were weakened and slaughtered, enslaved or driven out of those lands.
God told Samson never was a razor to be put to his head for he would lose all his strength. But he was beguiled by a woman and fell prey to her seduction. She cut off his hair and he was repaid by having his eyes gouged out by her brothers. Later he gave his life bringing down their temple - his vengeance too little too late.
In 2 Corinthians as Paul writes to the believers in Corinth, he's careful not to alienate them but makes it clear they need to be following Christ and not listening to a bunch of trouble-makers and false teachers. The Corinthian believers were bickering amongst themselves because they were all trying to do things their own way.
Over and over the people were told not to mix with people outside their race or worship their idols. Again and again the people did what they wanted. Time after time they were rewarded with desolation, plague, destruction and loss.
What's changed? There are few people in the world today who don't fall into the trap of rationalizing false religions under the guise of tolerance. There is none righteous, not one. And look where it's gotten us. The world is at war with itself because of sin: greed, sloth, poverty, murder, sexual immorality, political corruption, divorce, child abuse... Everyone is right but no one is righteous. Everyone has an answer but there is only one real solution. Everyone speaks love and humility with their lips but demonstrates arrogance and hate with their actions.
Psalm 97:10 reminds us "you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the souls of the saints. He delivers them out of the hands of the wicked."
God says do what's right in My sight, not what we think is right. Tolerance is a word inviting evil to get a foothold. He delivers us when we listen to Him. If we ask and then go off and do our own thing, how can we expect anything but failure and misery?
In all the gospels, Jesus tells us to give up everything to follow Him. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to leave your home and family to pursue Christ. Each individual must seek God, hear God and obey God. It's that simple. Then He will deliver us out of the hands of the wicked.
Seek God - Prayer and Bible reading
Hear God - Bible and meditation
Obey God - Go where He sends
The image of God is in His word, in His Son who died for us, and in the Holy Spirit who guides us. Each in His turn impresses that image on our hearts. We need look no further than within. For the image of God is love.
Monday, June 13, 2011
When Death Knocks
Beloved, things rarely go the way I plan. Do you find that in your life also?
Just as I had determined I would share my daily Bible study with you for your encouragement, God took me elsewhere and it has been some time since I've been able to spend an hour in study let alone process and write. So here I am, a little worse for the wear, a little wiser for the pain.
For as long as I've been a Christian, my family has abhorred my faith. Praise God, my mother trusted Jesus on her deathbed and the Lord has assured me she rests in heaven now.
My sister and I were inseparable as children. In our differences we completed one another. I liked the hamburger, she ate the fries. She liked the chocolate coating and I liked the vanilla ice cream on a Laddie Bar. She liked the yolks, I ate the egg whites.
Because of our differences we were at odds as adults. She detested my faith and would change the subject or make excuses to cut a call short whenever I mentioned the name of Jesus. As she got older she became paranoid and reclusive.
I prayed for many years for Jane to come to faith in Christ. Then she became ill a couple years ago and continued to decline, refusing medical evaluation or help. A few months ago, I drove 600 miles to see her. Jane's husband wouldn't let me in. I was utterly devastated and at that point I gave up all hope of her salvation or ever seeing her again.
As I prayed one morning, I released her. I told God I wasn't going to bother Him with my incessant pleas for her salvation anymore, but that I would just have to trust that He knows what's best and I'm done fighting for her when she clearly doesn't care. Wouldn't you know, just as God always does, He threw a curve ball my way.
I got a call one day from a friend I'd known since I was eleven years old. I hadn't seen Michelle for nearly forty years. She said she'd been trying to reach my sister who never answers her phone. I informed Michelle that Jane was quite ill and likely dying and that I'd given up hope of ever seeing or hearing from her again. I was grieving and felt for all intents and purposes, my sister was already dead to me.
Michelle had quite a different view. She insisted we continue to pray for Jane and asked if we could pray together weekly by phone so I agreed. I began to pray for Jane with renewed fervor, fueled by Michelle's attitude and encouragement.
A couple weeks after Michelle and I had been praying for Jane, I suddenly got a text message from an unfamiliar number which simply said, "I love you." I wrote back, "Do I love you back?" After no reply, I wrote, "I'm sorry, I don't recognize the number." She wrote, "Jane." I quickly texted back with my heart racing, "Yes! I do love you back!"
I didn't hear from her again for several days and then, "Please pray, the pain is excruciating."
I wrote, "I have been praying continuously. Hang in there. Will pray now."
This was a big step for her - she's asking me to pray to my Lord whom she's rejected!
God gave me a picture of her condition and I felt she was near the end. But I didn't want her to despair. I asked God what I should say to her and He gave very specific instructions. I wrote to her, "God has given me instruction for you. Are you willing to hear and obey?"
She wrote back, "yes."
I nearly fainted. "The Holy Spirit will take you through your life and show you those you need to forgive. You'll need to search deep and go a long way back and be willing to find forgiveness in your heart for all whom you've resented, hated or wished ill. Confess them to God and ask His forgiveness. Can you do that?"
"Yes," she said.
I then told her I would give her some time with this and to get back to me when she was ready.
She was silent a couple days and then wrote that the pain was getting worse and needed me to pray harder.
"Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better," I said, as I was thinking, God will take you home and it will be better forever. No more sorrow, no more pain. But I couldn't yet ask her to trust in Jesus because I know her so well, I knew she would feel I was pushing her and would shut me out again. I was walking on very thin ice. "God is with you. He has surrounded you with holy angels who are holding you up before Him."
"I don't need presence, I need assistance." she wrote.
"I know it's hard," I wrote, "I can't imagine the pain you suffer, I'd bear it for you if I could. Please don't lose hope, I know God is at work in you." Then I fired off a number of Scripture verses.
The next day early, Jane wrote, "I'm better today. I actually slept last night."
Meanwhile, Michelle has also been texting Jane messages of encouragement. She sent her a Bible and texted the gospel message to her, something like, "it's simple. Just believe on the name of Jesus and trust Him as your Savior and He will forgive all your sins and you will have a place with Him in heaven for all eternity."
She wrote back, "I believe."
Michelle and I wept and praised God together.
Michelle seemed certain God would hear our prayers and heal Jane for the incredible testimony she might share. God, in His infinite mercy, had other plans.
I got the call Sunday afternoon, June 5th, 2011. It came from one of my nephews who said, "if you want to see my mom before the end, you need to come now." She had been admitted by ambulance and found to be infected with cancer in every organ and cell.
We couldn't get a flight out so my brother and I jumped in the car and drove the 600 miles again to Omaha and went straight to the hospital.
We arrived at about 5:30 AM to find that my sister had left this world around 11 PM the night before. The nurses were very thoughtful and kept Jane in her room so we could see her one last time. She wore a Mona Lisa smile on her porcelain-like face. She reminded me of a China doll.
I am certain she rests with our Lord.
He who began the work in her was faithful to complete it (Phil. 1:6.) Even when death is at the door, there is always a last minute opportunity to turn to Christ, because His compassion is great and His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23.) and He loves us so much He died for us (John 3:16.)
When death knocks, for those who trust in Jesus, the door remains closed. Death has no power, no welcome, no entry. Jesus takes His beloved and leads them through the window of heaven to reside with Him forevermore.
Praise You sweet Jesus, God's wonderful son,
Taking my sins on like they were Your own.
Thank You my Lord that this cold heart of stone,
Has melted with love and is headed for home.
Praise for the Spirit, who leads me Your way,
Who steers me on course every time that I stray.
Thank You for guiding me day after day,
Recalling Your Scriptures in all that I say.
Praise for my Father, who's holy and true,
Creator and Savior, there's none, God, like You.
You're the paper, the picture, the scissors, and glue,
Thank You for mercy in all that You do.
We know we're not worthy, we're humbled in faith,
We're empty and useless like smelly old waste.
You fill up our hearts with Your infinite grace,
And somehow transform us, reflecting Your face.
Let us walk in Your ways, let us Speak of Your love,
Let us honor Your holiness, glory above,
Let us pour finest oil on Your head and Your feet,
Let the scent of our prayers be an incense so sweet.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Life's Intricate Tapestries
The union of Ruth and Boaz produced Obed, father of Jesse, father of David. David and Bathsheba had Solomon, born of a sinful relationship. Solomon, purported to be a man of great wisdom, perhaps the wisest of all, fathered Rahoboam, who had Abijah, who had Asa. From Asa came Jehosaphat, then he fathered Joram, proceeding forward each son bearing another, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jeconiah, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim, Eliuid, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, the father of Joseph who married Mary, mother of Jesus. In earthly terms Boaz was the great times twenty-eight grandfather of Jesus our Savior.
Jesus came to replace the law since man had perverted the law for his own purposes against the laws of God (Psalm 94:20-22.)
Jesus' teaching while He went about healing, was centered on love, service and sacrifice. In this instance (Mark 9:14-29) the disciples were unable to drive out the evil spirit that inflicted a woman's son from childhood. Since Jesus had given them healing authority and they had performed successful healings prior to that, they didn't understand why they couldn't heal the man. Jesus' response was thought provoking, "this kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."
Bear with me because my comprehension is abstract. The point is the sharp tip of the needle God uses to weave an intricate tapestry through the ages, a marvelous rendering of life. So let's see if we can tie it together from a heavenly perspective.
The law is perfect and holy as God is perfect and holy. Man is sinful and broken (Genesis 6:5.) Jesus is perfect and holy as is the Holy Spirit. When God became manifest in the flesh in the person of Christ, He took on our sinful nature but did not sin. When He died for our sins on the cross, He left us a "Counselor," the Holy Spirit. To all who are faithful to confess their sins, profess Jesus is Lord, and choose to follow Him, the law is abolished and our sins are forgiven. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we now live in the law of God, not the law of evil man.
In the lineage of Jesus, there were adulterers, murderers, a prostitute, foreigners, and every sort of sinner, along with a couple people who had a few righteous moments. They were all at the core of their beings sinners in need of a Savior - no matter how hard they tried, they could not abide the law.
Our salvation does not preclude the command of God to live by His laws, but rather gives us the divine ability to do so. When we violate Him in sin, we are grieved in the Spirit. Whether by selfishness, slander, resentment, murder, or stealing, we sin in His temple, not just ourselves. Our salvation makes us one with the Lord just as in marriage we become one with our spouse.
Man may create laws (such as the right to abortion,) that make an unholy thing legal but it doesn't make it acceptable in God's sight. In Jesus, we intuitively know the difference between right and wrong, sin and righteousness.
Then finally, in the last chapter of this first book of Corinthians Paul directs the church to lovingly care for the needs of those who are doing the work of God, carrying the gospel message to the ends of the earth. The message of salvation through Christ who died once for all for the forgiveness of sins, abolishing the law.
Once again, this is a picture of how God takes the bad things and uses them for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purposes (Romans 8:28-29.) This intricate design takes place through streams of time and space by our perceptions but are conceived, plotted and established in a timeless pattern by our omniscient, omnipresent Father.
I often feel anxiety almost to the point of panic concerning those I love who have not yet trusted Jesus. It makes me want to grab and hogtie them to force them to listen to the gospel and keep pounding it in until they get it. But that doesn't work - ever. We can't force people to make a decision - after all God gave us all free will. No matter how strongly we feel, all we can do is share the message in love and pray for the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf. Some may require us to fast and pray for them.
Don't be troubled by the urgency of the work God has called you to. Be faithful, steadfast, consistent and obedient to the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to God. In the end, when we've done all we can do by the power of His love, we will be blessed to hear when we get home, "well done good and faithful servant."
When we look to the past, we will see God's amazing tapestry of life, full of twists and turns but always threaded with the beauty of myriad miracles woven in His love.
For He lives,

Friday, June 3, 2011
At the Feet of Jesus
Ruth, a widow and daughter-in-law to Naomi who is also a widow, has left her home in Moab to travel with her mother-in-law returning to Naomi's homeland after the death of the womens' husbands. Ruth is a hard-working, loyal, humble woman who cares deeply for Naomi.
Boaz, a near relative of Naomi's, allows Ruth to glean in his fields and even tells his harvesters to intentionally drop some of the choice sheaves for Ruth to gather. Ruth then sleeps at Boaz' feet on the threshing floor as an act of submission which Boaz honors with integrity.
Ruth displays a selfless, sacrificial demonstration of daily giving up our own desires to pursue the kingdom of heaven. This gentile goes with Naomi in an act of love, even though Naomi offers her release. Jesus gives us the choice to follow Him or not.
Ruth asks permission of Naomi before proceeding with her desire to seek another mate from her deceased husband's family, demonstrating submission to authority, knowing Naomi will know what's best. Likewise, submitting to God is to our benefit for He knows what's best for us.
Ruth takes only the scraps and is later honored with the best sheaves to take home. When we humble ourselves in gratitude for the even the barest essentials, God blesses us with abundance.
Ruth puts herself in a humble position at the feet of Boaz, completely trusting in His integrity and submitting to His sovereign will. God calls us to trust Him even when what He calls us to do doesn't seem to make sense at the time.
Boaz sees Ruth's selflessness and blesses her. God sees our service which He rewards with eternal life in His heavenly kingdom.
Psalm 93 speaks to God's majesty and holiness. Boaz is a wealthy man but he is a righteous, godly man.
Mark highlights God's glory and future promises fulfilled. Boaz demonstrates God's glory in His kindness, and offers Ruth hope and a future.
Paul in his speech to the Corinthians speaks of the resurrection, staying in the presence of good people and the importance of believing God at His word even when it seems outlandish. By sticking with Naomi, Ruth had an opportunity for a new life in a good place with good people. Boaz tells her who to stick with, and assures her He will make sure she is well provided for. How uncomfortable it must have been for her to uncover a strange man's feet and lay down by them. But He cherished her humility and rewarded her accordingly.
The God of the universe, Creator of everything, whose glory we cannot even imagine, more brilliant and beautiful than the greatest diamonds on earth, more powerful than a tidal wave, more magnificant than the seven wonders of the world, cares for us - even the least of the gentiles!
God in His sovereignty knows best. He provides above and beyond all that we need. There is nothing on earth we can put our trust in that will never let us down. Only God can be fully trusted.
When we submit to His authority and seek His wisdom, when we stick with the righteous and steer away from evil-doers, when we confess our sins and proclaim Jesus is Lord and Savior, when we are faithful to serve without complaint, our Father in heaven rejoices, His glory shines, and His reward is eternal.
We are always welcome at the Lord's feet.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Journeying with Sisters in India
Sii and I have been corresponding through email for many months now. I don't even remember our first contact but our friendship has blossomed and we now both desire that I would go to India to meet with and minister to the women there. There's nothing that could make me happier than to serve the Lord wherever He calls so we're praying that if this is His plan for us, He will open the door and lead the way.
I haven't been consistent about keeping up with this blog but have been doing all my journaling on paper. Since Sii has asked me to teach them, I will be posting my own daily study in God's Word here, as the Holy Spirit leads. Please pray with me for the Lord's divine guidance and that whatever I post will be according to His will for His glory.
We live in a very different world than the one where the Apostles of Jesus tread two thousand years ago. Though the scenery and names of some of the actors have changed, the show goes on with two prominent figures - the Star (Jesus our Savior) and the the unmentionable enemy, the understudy who seeks to destroy His kingdom and steal the stage. The script has already been written and we know the end. But we are now the supporting roles in this drama and we must follow the Director (the Holy Spirit) as He guides us in the plan of the Author (God our Father.)
Using a Navigators Bible reading plan, I've finished Genesis through Joshua, Matthew through Mark chapter eight, Psalms one through ninety-two, and 1 Corinthians through chapter fifteen.
I will begin tomorrow with my insights for Ruth Chapters two and three, Psalm ninety-three, 1 Corinthians chapter sixteen, and Mark chapter nine. Until then...
In the love of Jesus,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Living Active Word
Hebrews 4:12 The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Slip Sliding Away...
It has been a long time since I've journaled my travels with the Lord. He's been circumcising my heart and leading me through the Refiner's fire.
Since October of 2009, I've had a hip replaced, turned over a ministry the Lord had begun through me to another capable leader, answered the call to open our home to foster children and learned it was waaaaaay harder than I'd imagined.
In 2010 mid-year I slipped into depression feeling inadequately equipped to minister to the broken, needy foster children God entrusted to our care. The battle with many persistent minions of the enemy went on and on.
When new year came, I was certain things would turn around. But life became tougher. I learned my sister was quite ill, possibly dying of cancer and unwilling to get medical treatment. When I drove six hundred miles to see her, her husband refused to let me in. It was devastating and of course, that age old question plagued me, "why? How could the Lord let me drive all that way for nothing?"
I was beginning to doubt my faith and started counseling with our pastor. There were many things in my past I hadn't dealt with and a long list of people I hadn't forgiven, including myself. The Holy Spirit did the convicting and I actually listened for a change. I had been living in a valley of shadows, sinking in the bogs, starving from lack of The Word, and thirsty for the Living Water to fill and cleanse me. Prayers were perfunctory at best.
Mama always used to say, "recognizing a problem is half the battle." There I was knowing full well I had wandered far from God. But I didn't have the strength to climb out of the pit I was in. Pastor Fred helped me see that I'd been trying to "fix" broken people all my life, a tremendous burden to carry and impossible feat to accomplish. Only God can mend the people I love. "Have faith and trust God," he said.
My best friend said, "you can't even fix yourself, what makes you think you can fix anyone else? Trust God, He can."
Then I got a video message from a friend's mother who was near the end of her battle with cancer and ready to meet Jesus. Her message, in brief: Trust God because He cares. The same day I received a message from a prayer partner who said she had a word from the Lord for me. I needed to put my trust in God who is more than able. "Begin by praising Him," she wrote.
I heard God speak through those close to me. My life was an emotional mess and I wanted to disappear. Only by His strength was I able to move through the fog and find my Bible. It was covered with dust.
Back in January our fellowship began a journey on a path of Extreme Faith. We started by reading a book by David Platt called Radical. I had finished the book and was reading Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicik, both volumes offering inspirational empowerment.
The key in all cases I learned, is not just reading God's word, but hearing Him speak through it. Duh. I knew that - intellectually. But when I thought I was ready for real meat, I wasn't able to fully digest and process the information. Those files of information up there in my brain were essentially useless.
When Pastor Fred announced the Biblical path we'd be taking for the year 2011, he offered a Bible reading guide published by The Navigators which encouraged me to get started. I dusted my Bible and began to read according to the guide.
About half way through that first session, I got a call from the same prayer partner who'd emailed me earlier. She encouraged me to stop what I was doing and praise God. She prayed for me and when we hung up, I did as instructed. I got on my knees and began saying words of praise but they felt empty and meaningless. The Holy Spirit prompted me to move.
Sensing that I was not to stand, but remain submissive in God's presence at that time, I crawled into my bedroom to get my cell phone. I put the ear buds in and began to listen to my favorite praise and worship music - love and joy filled my heart and I sang out to the Lord with a huge smile and tears streaming down. Then I stood with hands held high singing praises for quite awhile with no awareness of passing time. In fact, I didn't really feel my body at all, being completely immersed in worshiping God. I suppose I sang twenty or thirty of my favorites, all of them pure praise, for more than an hour.
Afterward, I fell to my knees and wept. Just as the first time I met Jesus and submitted my life to Him forever, I began to confess and there were sins flashing before my eyes I had never acknowledged, stupid little "white lies," disrespectfulness to God and people, sarcasm, judgement, gossip, and more. I was horrified at how filthy my life had become. My life was a reflection of my dusty unused Bible. In that short time of praise to our Father, I had been radically transformed again.
Suddenly, God's Word came alive before my eyes. The very meaning of Hebrews 4:12 was released from my head to my heart. Bam! It was like I "saw" His truth in a way that felt like the stage lights suddenly snapped on and the show began. I could literally visualize events unfolding as I read and studied. Every word was like savoring a perfect juicy filet mignon. My burning thirst was quenched by gushing waters of hope, encouragement, wisdom, and understanding.
In an instant, God healed my depression and I regained my energy to compose and play music, write, and nurture the broken hearts in our home. The foster child we have at present has become a completely different child - he no longer oppositional and defiant. Everything is different because I submitted to God willing to be changed.
Are there still struggles? Of course. There will always be struggles. But walking with Jesus is a journey for life and we must keep our eyes on Him to follow where He leads.
Tomorrow, I will share the mission God has planted in my heart through Radical Faith believing and trusting His Living Active Word.
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12