"Homogenization of milk is a mechanical treatment of the fat globules brought about by passing the liquid under high pressure through a tiny orifice, which results in a decrease in the average diameter and an increase in number and surface area, of the fat globules. The net result, from a practical view, is a much reduced tendency for creaming of fat globules. In addition, heat pasteurization breaks down the cryo-globulin complex, which tends to cluster fat globules causing them to rise."
Simply put, homogenization changes the properties of the milk to prevent separation of fat and liquid. Pastuerization slows microbial growth, allowing for longer shelf-life. Together, these processes give us products that are both more palatable and enduring.
Jesus tells us the pure in heart are blessed and will see God.
As I prayed over this verse this morning, the word pure impressed me, and of course prompted a search for related information.
What does Jesus mean by pure? On the surface you might say, well duh, pure is pure. Right?
Let's take a closer look at the word. According to Miriam-Webster, my trusty online dictionary:
1 a (1): unmixed with any other matter
There's a mouthful. But worthy in all its detail for our purposes. Let's see if we can make it purely clear what Jesus is saying - pun intended :-)
- Our hearts should be empty of all but the word of God.
- Untainted, free of sludge, unblemished, immaculate
- They should be free from harshness and roughness
- What emanates from them should be a sweetly prefect, lyrical sound to God
Jeremiah said the heart is deceitful above all things (17:9) and the Psalms and Proverbs are filled with verses warning about the evil heart of man. So let's consider the list above for a minute - our hearts are full of garbage, tainted, blemished, harsh, rough and probably sound like screeching breaks to God's ears. So how on earth can it be purified?
First it has to be emptied of the garbage. Then it has to be cleansed. It needs some refining (Remember the story of the refiners fire?) And not doubt a good tuning is in order. All of these processes my friends are the work of the Holy Spirit.
Faith in Jesus, trusting that His atoning death and blood shed for all mankind covers our sin and cleanses us of all iniquity, is the process by which we are made acceptable to God. Frankly, I love milk fresh from the cow without all the processes. But living in sin seems pretty good too, until it gives you aids, alcoholism, or bitterness....
Blessed are the pure in heart, those whose hearts have been washed in the blood of Christ, for they will see God.
Now here's the final and pivotal point to this message. As a result of this purifying, we will see God. Not in heaven (yet.) Not in some magical or mystical way. But when we empty ourselves of the junk, there's nothing left in that heart but the image of God. Process that, beloved.
*Father hear my prayer: I will open my heart - Search me in the deepest part - And I will stand in cleansing fire - By You, purified - By You I'm purified - I'm purified for you. In Jesus' name, amen.
*Lyrics, Michael W. Smith, Purified