Matthew 5:4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
We are never alone, no matter what we're going through.
Some months ago, I was in a serious slump. I wasn't sleeping well, wasn't satisfied in my devotions and prayer life, and in general was just unhappy, bordering on depressed.
I could probably pinpoint the spiritual/emotional decline to an incident that happened in December 2007. My focus on that incident which filled me with anger and unforgiveness, drove a wedge between my Savior and me. I was mourning a great loss and rather than seek the comfort of my Lord, I tried to handle it myself.
Then one day as I was crying out to Jesus, I submitted all the pain, confusion and anger to the foot of the cross. I said, in effect, "Thy will, not mine be done." I conceded. "Lord, I'm not fighting this battle anymore. The battle belongs to You. I accept that I'm powerless over this situation and I forgive those people. Take this anger from me and make me clean again."
A couple months later, I suddenly realized the fog had lifted, the emotional pain was gone, I had forgiven, almost forgotten, and my cheerful attitude had been restored. Today I'm thankful that I can count my blessings once again and find all my hope in my Savior, not in the things of this world.
As I was reading the words of Jesus this morning, I realized I'd been in a period of mourning over the situation a year ago. While I went through a necessary process that included pouring out my anger and frustration to God on a regular basis, shutting myself away from those who might console me and allowing myself to wallow in self-pity, Jesus never left my side.
I don't know what might have happened, how differently things might have turned out had I not relied on my Savior to see me through that dark valley. But I do know He blessed me with comfort, strength, hope and healing, walking with me every moment.
Heavenly Father, how amazing are Your ways! You are sovereign, holy and perfect. Yet from Your high heaven You pour out Your mercy and grace on us through the person of Jesus and counsel of the Holy Spirit. Thank You Father, that You always walk those dark valleys with us and comfort us in trouble. Thank You for Forgiving us those times we turn away in anger and misunderstanding as You draw us gently back with a nudge from the Holy Spirit. We love You and praise You, in the name of Jesus, amen.