Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
When I was in grade school, the teacher would ask a question and half the class would throw up their hands wanting to give an answer. Some would push their arm up as high as it would go with their other hand, leaning wildly and lifting their little body half off the chair. Some would wave frantically, like Arnold Horshack of Welcome Back Kotter, little noises escaping their lips begging for attention. Some just sat up tall and stately, stiff-armed, hoping to catch the teacher's eye. The teacher inevitably called on someone who hadn't raised a hand.
I never quite figured out if this was to humiliate the uneducated or to honor those who were diminutive. I suppose that really depends on the teacher.
Personally, when teaching Sunday School, I've always had a tendency to call on those who don't make a big fuss: the shy, reserved, and humble. Not to torment them but because I want them to feel recognized and loved.
Jesus said when we pray, we ought not to make a public display out of it but hide in a closet. He said if we want to be a leader, we ought to wash the feet of those who serve us. He said if we want to inherit the kingdom of God, we must first be willing to give up all our earthly riches.
God said, "be still and know that I am God."
God is not paying attention to the one who's demanding notice. They're well tended by their followers on earth. Whatever we do, we're to do it with all humility, not expecting accolades or recognition. He calls on the one who sits quietly in the background.
Donald Trump may have his riches here on earth, but I wonder where he'll be when Jesus comes for His own.
The Pope may sit on his throne in the Vatican, but how will He answer the One who sits at the right hand of the Father.
The father of a nation may think he's in control in his little oval office, but does He seek counsel from the Father to whom he'll ultimately answer?
You can stand on an pedestal in the world but the reward for elevation is nothing more than the riser one stands upon.
It's hard to resist the desire for recognition in this world. But the riches of heaven belong to those who forbear the test.
Blessed are they who are meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Father, let us be content to graze in the fields and lap at a clear pool. Would we be satisfied to rest in green pastures, gazing toward Your star studded heavens at night. Would we find joy in the little things: the smile of a baby; the hue of a blue jay; the chatter of squirrels. Would we find reward in serving others and peace in shining the light of Christ into a dark world. May whatever we do, honor and glorify You and bring us ever closer to Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, amen.