As our Savior stood at the edge of a cliff, looking out over a vast valley of His own creation, Satan had the gall to tempt Him to jump off and trust God's holy angels to bear Him up and save Him.
With each temptation the enemy put forth, Jesus' only answer was the word of God. He quoted Scripture.
This speaks to the admonition that we are to store the word of God in our hearts (Deut. 11:18, Romans 10:8, Eph 6:17.) There are a great many Scriptures that remind us of this. A brother in Christ has given us three good reasons of his own to memorize Scripture. Rather than plagerize or try to come up with my own profundity, read them here.
The word of God stored in our hearts is our greatest defense against the devil's schemes. While there are many ways we can seek help in dark times, there is nothing as powerful as the promises of God, for provision, safety, strength, hope and every good thing.Take heart. Whatever troubles you today, we can count on God's word to see us through.
Heavenly Father, we are warned not to test You and sometimes we find ourselves crying out, "show Yourself Lord, that I might know You care about me!" Yet we know by the power of Your word that You are God, unchangable, merciful and loving God whose promises are kept. You forgive us our weaknesses and childish demands, blessing us all the same. Today we recommit our trust to Your word alone, who is Jesus. In His holy name we rejoice! Amen.
Comfort: 2 Cor. 1:3
Hope: Hebrews 6:18-19
Healing: Luke 8:47
Peace: Romans 8:6
Strength: Phil 4:13