As most of us struggle in this recession that has every earmark of impending depression, it would be easy to succumb to despair. Yet this time in history has given Steve and me cause to praise and pray as we never have before.
Every morning we settle on our bed with the Bible. We open with prayer, then we read a chapter from Scripture (currently we're in the book of Joshua,) and dialogue about the reading. We close with another prayer for our day. The more we digest, our hunger for the wisdom of God's word increases. There's a side effect of this daily dose of Scripture - it strengthens our marriage!
Living in this recession has made us starkly aware that all our material goods are meaningless. I look around my house and wonder how I've accumulated so much stuff that I would now love to be rid of. I've actually thought of inviting people to come and take what they want, just to get rid of things! It's because my focus is no longer on the things of this world, but viewed through the lenses of Scripture. There is nothing on this earth that ties me down for I'm free in Christ and looking forward to a heavenly inheritance.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
May we get utterly obese in the spirit as we gorge ourselves on God's word!
Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that the things of this world have no hold on us. We seek Your kingdom and are sated, stuffed with Your goodness. May we always be hungry for and feast at the table of Scripture, filling our souls with Your righteousness. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.