Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
Does salt lose it's saltiness? I really don't know. I found some salt in our camping gear that had been there a few years and it was still mighty salty!
But Jesus' point is, salt without its saltiness wouldn't be of any use:
- Salt adds flavor
- Salt is vital to life
- Salt makes things pure
- Salt is a symbol of righteousness (Leviticus 2:1)
- Salt preserves
If I'm not in God's word every single day, eventually I land in a slump. That collapse is reflected in my attitude, actions and words every where I go. When I'm not walking with God's word as my perfect guide, I'm more prone to snap at store clerks when there's a problem, drive dangerously, ignore my family or treat them disrespectfully, slack off in my responsibilities to home, church and country, and just generally limp along in the dark.
To stay fresh, I read at least one verse of Scripture every single day. I ponder it in my heart, write about it and pray. This helps me stay humble and seek God at every turn. The result is peace, contentment and much joy, regardless of what's happening around me.
You are the salt of the earth. You were chosen by God to carry the good news of salvation to others. The salt you deliver is the news that Jesus loves and blesses those who seek Him.
By sharing the saving grace of Christ, you will:
- Add flavor to the lives of others
- Shine light on the eternal life of Christ
- Bring purification to those who are repentant
- Demonstrate the righteousness of God's redemption in Christ (Romans 8:3)
- Preserve His goodness
Heavenly Father, our desire is to serve and worship only You, to bring Your righteousness to the world. Help us to keep it fresh, to pour out the marvelous flavor of Jesus on those we encounter, to bring hope to struggling humanity. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.