My brother is an avowed atheist. To hear him tell it, "I don't get the whole God thing, never have and never will."
Because of some health concerns a few years ago, we felt it would be safer for my brother to live with us after my mother passed away. It never occurred to me that my faith would affect him in any kind of negative way.
Christmas is a time we focus on the reason for the season. My home is filled with reminders of Jesus' birthday. Opening presents is centered around the gift of Christ to all mankind. The first year in our new home, after the opening of gifts, my brother left all his presents upstairs and hid in his basement apartment the rest of the day. He came up long enough for dinner and then retreated again. That night before going to bed I went down to ask him what was wrong.
"I hate all this ****ing religious crap and don't see why I have to put up with it!" he snapped at me with about as much venom as a cobra and having near the same effect. For a moment I just stood staring at him in shock before I turned it back on him.
"You see this room full of drums, keyboards and guitars you spend all your time in? You love this stuff. In your own words, it's your life. I don't get it. I don't get anything about this. Never have, never will. But you're my brother. I love you. when you share something with me about a new instrument you've gotten or a new song you wrote, I encourage you because it's what you love and I love you. I share in your joy. How is it okay for you to be who you are, but it's not okay for me to be who I am? I love Jesus. That's my life. I'm sorry you can't love me enough to share the joy of what I love." Then I turned on my heels and left.
The next morning we found a note next to the coffee-maker with an apology, signed, "I love you."
Making peace doesn't mean we make concessions. It means we speak the truth in love. True peace comes with seeking first the kingdom of God. We don't need to get too comfortable here, we're not at home here on earth. Our heavenly home will bring peace everlasting.
Father, we know our peace is not with those who reject You and that our only hope for the world is to share the peace that comes only from You. Help us be discerning in all situations, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to know when to speak and when to remain silent. Above all, grant us Your words as we speak to bring others to the knowledge of the peace we have in Jesus. In Your holy name we pray, amen.