Pigeons get a bad rap.
A large number of people might tell you they'd prefer that pigeons be extinct. They're messy, noisy, annoying and quite frankly useless.
Passenger Pigeons are now extinct because they were so abundant at one time that they were killed and eaten until there were none left.
Karen Purcell of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology writes:
Pigeons clean up food dropped by people and provide companionship to those who live in cities. They are beautiful and extremely resourceful. They have been linked with human beings in many different ways throughout history. They were used as religious symbols and raised for food; their homing instincts and racing abilities were (and still are) frequently used by armies throughout the world (they were even used in the recent Gulf War). Photographers, doctors, and reporters use them to transport items in a hurry; their excellent vision is used in rescue missions.
I learned at thing or two there myself. Of course, I've always rooted for the underdog, so it comes as no surprise I would rush to the aid of this misunderstood species.
What do people think of Christians? You know, it's interesting that we're almost the antithesis of the reason people hate pigeons: pigeons are dirty, we're supposed to be clean; pigeons are noisy, we're supposed to have a quiet gentle spirit; pigeons are imposing, we're supposed to be humble; pigeons beg for or take food in the square, we're supposed to feed the hungry. Yet are we not persecuted unjustly as well?
Which begs the question, why? What on earth do people have against clean, quiet, humble, helpful Christians?
That begs the question, are we who we're supposed to be?
I realize Jesus was talking about persecution for our faith. But that's exactly what I'm talking about. This persecution is a double edged sword. Think about it. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. If we walk in righteousness, we're be accused of piety; if we stumble, they rush to say, "See! Hypocrite!"
We can't win.
Or can we?
Jesus said "blessed are they who are persecuted." Blessed! Our is the kingdom of heaven! If that doesn't get you fired up, you haven't been paying attention.
Who gives a flying hoot (or coo) what the world thinks of, says or does to us? What matters is what our heavenly Father thinks. Jesus is the way - follow the leader.
Heavenly Father, may we walk as Jesus walked, clean, quiet, humble, and helpful, wherever we go. May our clean hearts shine in this dark world to expose filthy evil and drive it out, Would our quiet, gentle spirits speak loudly of the goodness of God. Would our humble attitude seek only Your recognition, letting go of the accolades of man. May our service to others be a constant reminder of the love and mercy or our Savior. May we be driven by the Holy Spirit, so that all our words, actions and attitudes will be pleasing to You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.