Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lighting the World

Matt 5:15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

When I arrived at the peak of Guanella Pass on the day I photographed the image to the left, it was a moonless predawn scene. An eerie silence pervaded the deep dull gray countryside surrounding me as I set up my gear. Moments later when the sun crept up in the east, I was blessed with a glorious sky, purple peaks and magical pastel hues lighting the frosted autumn valley. When the sun lights the sky, the glory and majesty of God's creation is illuminated.

If the sun was veiled by clouds, the beautiful vista I was entreated to would have been lackluster and dreary; unworthy of the sixty mile drive at night on a very rough unpaved road.

How will people ever know Jesus shines in our hearts if we walk around acting like the unenlightened, purveying doomsday, grumbling about all our problems, using profanity and acting just like those who don't know the mercy of Christ?

I'm reminded of an old Catholic hymn I loved:

You are the light of the world,
Let your light shine before men,
That they may see the beauty of Christ,
And give glory to God!

Blow the clouds away and let your light shine, that God may be glorified!

Father, forgive us for hiding out light and falling into the ways of the world. Send away the clouds that cover the light of Jesus in us and allow our light to shine wherever we go. May we be attentive to the Holy Spirit, give praise to God in all circumstances, and lead the lost to the Shepherd of mercy. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.