Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
I'll admit that in the early years following my acceptance of Christ I was more than bold in my faith. To say I was zealous for the Lord is putting it mildly. Actually, I was just plain bursting to tell the world what Christ had done to change my life. Just about anything that moved got to hear my story. And everyone I shared it with moved away from me!
Criticized and shunned by family and so-called friends, eventually I shut down.
Whenever I heard others talk about those who were saved by their testimony, it pushed me further away from doing so, until I discussed it with my pastor.
"How come nobody I've shared my faith with has turned to Jesus?" I asked.
"Some people are seed planters. Some water the seeds. Still others open the curtains to allow the sun in on them to break through the soil and grow." Pastor Greg replied (paraphrased). "God knows your heart and wants you to continue sharing Jesus with people. Leave the outcome to Him."
I've come a long way since those days. A large part of knowing how to share the gospel is knowing the gospel and being prepared. An important verse to memorize and understand is 1 Peter 3:15 - Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Yes it's important to prepare your testimony but you must also be prepared for your recipient, in order to share your faith in such a way that it doesn't put them off. Despite this, you will not always be well received. But here's the good news! Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Do you get that? Blessed! Dudes, count it all joy to share your faith and be rejected! It's not you they reject, but the One you stand for. His blessings are well worth insults, persecution and false accusations. Man's unkindness dims as we realize our inheritance is the kingdom of heaven.
Heavenly Father, how blessed we are that Jesus has walked ahead of us on this stony road, clearing the way, removing all the stumbling blocks. If You could bear to be pierced and hung on a cross to pay for my sins, I can bear a little ridicule! Keep this close to my heart; grant me the words to share with others the hope I have in You at every opportunity. Let me not fear insult or persecution but boldly stand for the Truth. In Your precious name we pray, amen.